
Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

All Provincial and Territorial Health and Safety Codes across Canada set out rules for employers to assess all current and potential hazards at the workplace. Harmful substances are part of this category of potential hazards which includes anything that may create or currently creates a danger including a chemical or a biological hazard if a worker can be exposed.  
Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

What is ISO 45001 Standard?  ISO 45001 is an ISO standard for management systems of Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S). The purpose of ISO 45001 is to reduce occupational injuries and diseases, including the promotion and protection of physical and mental health.  
Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

Skin tissue is frequently exposed to various irritating substances in the workplace, particularly for wet work (work involving wet hands or hand washing), which can lead to the development of occupational contact dermatitis.
Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

It feels like Chemscape is fielding daily requests to obtain hand sanitizer SDSs or author SDSs for businesses that have begun to manufacture sanitizer to meet an increased demand due to COVID-19. Before COVID-19, hand sanitizer was used in large quantities in industries that required a food-grade disinfectant for workers and work surfaces. What is in hand sanitizer?
Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Health Canada’s recent HPA/HPR inspections revealed significant gaps in Safety Data Sheet audits. Inspectors identified various instances of missing information, highlighting the need for improved compliance.
Wednesday, February 26th, 2020

Pandemic Planning and Business Continuity: Planning for the What if Factor Regarding the Coronavirus Everyday we have new information in the media on the Coronavirus Disease which is now officially known as COVID-19. This virus is a rapidly changing situation and having a trusted source of information is important to have accurate and science-based data on this virus.
Friday, January 24th, 2020

It has been over a year (Dec 1, 2018.) since the transition to WHMIS 2015. If you are an employer, you may still have MSDSs in your SDS library for products around your workplace. What should you do with the MSDS and the product?
Monday, January 13th, 2020

During winter, when the arctic chill sets in and heating systems are turned up, the risk for carbon monoxide poisoning increases. Carbon monoxide or CO is a toxic gas that you cannot smell, see or taste and, for this reason, it is known as the ‘silent killer’.
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

What is a Respiratory Code of Practice? Many provincial Occupational Health and Safety regulatory bodies require employers to develop a Code of Practice (CoP) when a respirator or repository equipment is used at the worksite.
Friday, December 13th, 2019

10 Safety tips to follow when using cleaning products Did you know that mixing cleaning products can kill or seriously harm you?
Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

Dermal Exposure to Chemicals and Identifying Chemicals of Concern The skin is not only the largest organ but also the organ that is most frequently exposed to chemicals.
Thursday, August 29th, 2019

Control banding (CB) is a validated risk assessment method, most commonly used to evaluate chemicals. CB has a 20-year history, starting with pharmaceuticals and continuing into nanotechnology and ergonomics.