SDS Authoring Resources
For over fifteen years, Chemscape Safety Technologies and their sister company Deerfoot Consulting has been providing SDS authoring services for chemical manufacturers and suppliers. This Resource Center is intended to answer common questions on the regulatory requirements and industry best practises on authoring Safety Data Sheets.
What Is SDS Authoring?
For companies involved in the manufacturing, importing and distributing of chemicals, the authoring of SDS sheets and labels for their chemical products is an essential step before selling your products. SDS Authoring is done by first sampling the chemical product and sending samples to a laboratory for an analysis. This data determines the roadmap for classification and interpretation by the SDS Author. Classification is the foundation for building a Safety Data Sheet and requires the skill of an experienced SDS Author. SDSs are now authored to a Global Harmonized Standard (SDS) but still need to be authored by country due to local variances and regulations. A hazardous product for sale in Canada must have an SDS and supplier label available in the official languages of French and English. Many chemical manufacturers require SDSs with classification to Canadian and US legislation for transborder sale. If new data becomes available, and classifications, toxicity information, or exposure limits for a product changes a new SDS might be required.
Under WHMIS 2015, Suppliers Must:
• Ensure the correct classification of their hazardous products
• Provide Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for hazardous products
• Provide labels for hazardous products
Why Is SDS Authoring So Important?
In Canada, under WHMIS, suppliers, who sell or Import hazardous products must ensure the correct classification of hazardous products as outlined In the Hazardous Product Regulations (WHMIS 2015). If a product Is considered a "hazardous product", the supplier must label the product or container and they must provide a safety data sheet (SDS) to their customers.
Classification changes for a product can affect Section 14 of the Safety Data Sheet on Transportation. In Canada, many Oil and Gas companies have seen Transport Canada enforce this for the past several years. A properly classified and authored SDS is critical to avoid potential fines.
Trust Chemscape Safety Technologies as Your SDS Authoring Expert
Find up-to-date guides, blogs and detailed insight related to SDS Authoring. Whether you need to align with GHS regulations and move from a MSDS to SDS, update your safety data sheets and labels, or have questions on SDSs our SDS Authoring Resource Center will provide information regarding current regulatory requirements and best practises to remain compliant with these standards.
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