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November 24, 2022

Chemscape Wins Canadian 5-Star OHS Award

We are thrilled to announce that Chemscape has won the Canadian 5-Star OHS Award 2022! We have been selected as one of the top safety solutions among other industry leaders, and we are immensely proud of the important work we do and of our professional team, who work tirelessly to provide personalized service and support to our clients.  

What is the 5-Star OHS Award?

The 5-Star Occupational Health and Safety Award is given each year by Canadian Occupational Safety, Canada’s premier safety publication for more than sixty years. They survey safety professionals and clients across industries to determine which companies offer innovative solutions to increase and ensure the safety of workers. We’re proud to say that we’re on the cutting edge of our industry, and we never stop striving to provide new technologies that protect workers and give business owners peace of mind.

“Chemscape has earned a reputation for providing reliable technology, personalized service, and quality SDS data. Clients trust Chemscape to keep them WHMIS-compliant.”

Mike Phibbs, President of Chemscape

How We Help Keep You Safe

Chemscape offers innovative online SDS software and chemical management solutions that ensure relevant safety information for your business is at your fingertips 24/7. Dealing with hazardous chemicals is inevitable in any industrial operation, and that’s why safety records need to be easy to access and easy to understand. Scientific jargon and endless pages of safety documents waste valuable time and can cause confusion among workers, leading to costly delays and even life-threatening mistakes or accidents.  

We cut through the confusion and make sure that the risks and precautions associated with any chemical task are clear and personal, so workers understand how to protect themselves. Our software helps you meet regional safety guidelines, measuring your progress and offering solutions to make your worksite as safe as possible. By being proactive, you can greatly reduce not only the risk of serious injury, but also create a more efficient work system that takes every precaution while still allowing you to get the job done in a timely manner.  

Equipment and tools can be replaced, but people can’t. We’re proud that our technologies help save lives every day, and ensure that your workplace is a safe, secure environment for everyone.

Our Thanks to You

We thank our valued clients for recognizing our dedication to occupational health and safety, and for choosing us as a 5-Star OHS software. It humbles and inspires us to continue to create safety software solutions that stay ahead of the curve to ensure that every chemical task is performed securely and efficiently, and everyone onsite remains safe and healthy.  

Mitigate Risk & Protect Your Workers with Chemscape

At Chemscape, we offer more than just award-winning safety software: we give you peace of mind, knowing that you can easily manage the risks of hazardous work and protect your workers from serious injury. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you prevent workplace safety incidents and give you the priceless peace of mind that you deserve.

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