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Chemical Management for the Construction Industry

Chemical Compliance and SDS Management for the Construction Industry

Construction sites have simultaneous operations running and require just in time information to understand hazards and mange risk. Chemscape's SDS and Chemical Risk Management Tools improve productivity and increase access to critical safety information.

Effective OHS Management Systems promote a collaborative working relationship between Owners, Prime Contractors and Contractors, resulting in improved:

Health and safety of all personnel

Environmental performance

Business productivity and profitability

SDS and Chemical Risk Management Software for Construction

If you need a better solution to managing SDSs and chemical risk, Chemscape is an easy way to stay compliant and provide chemical guidance to ensure workers are protected. We offer an online and mobile solution to keep your SDSs compliant and your chemical management centralized and controlled. Enjoy additional features such as:

Maintain your SDS and chemical inventory. Chemscape will keep them up-to-date so you can focus on other tasks.
Chemscape's mobile app provides just in time critical safety information for the field wherever they go.
Access a library of 5-min videos on over 60 topics likes Silica, Diesel Exhaust, Benzene, Eye Safety and more.
Visual tools like the SmartChart educate users on the hazards of chemicals they use everyday. Safety at a glance for global multicultural worksites.

Communicate Hazards and Controls when Working with Chemicals

To truly address chemical use and misuse in the workplace users need practical guidance on how to use chemicals that goes beyond a Safety Data Sheet. Chemscape's CHAMP offers a comprehensive chemical package with  chemical approval workflows that assess how chemicals are being used and how they should be controlled.

Become a Leader in OEHS with CHAMP

Communicate Hazards and Controls when Working with Chemicals

Controlling Chemicals in the Construction Industry

Chemscape offers an  Exposure Control Plan solution to address high hazard substances such as:

Find Safer Chemicals for the Job

Find Safer Chemicals for the Job

Many tasks at a construction site use chemicals; especially shop supplies, that can be substituted with less hazardous ingredients. CHAMP can help you work towards your objectives for projects with LEED certification and ESG goals. Audit tools and dashboards to show real progress over time in your efforts.

Keep Your Workers Safe with SDS & Chemical Management Systems for the Construction Sector

Chemscape provides innovative and ever-evolving SDS management and chemical management solutions that are unique to the needs of construction workers, contractors and all those working in the construction sector. For more information, contact the Chemscape team today.