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Search for Less Toxic Chemicals

CHAMP, our highest level of compliance software, offers a substitution tool to identify less hazardous products. Compare chemical products based on their hazard profile. Protect the long-term health of workers and business risk.

Search for less toxic chemicals

Our clients describe the Chemscape experience

“A lot of changes have come about because of this information; for example, the use of non-chlorinated Brake Cleaner, a less hazardous product to do the same job. The tool helps make better decisions around chemical use.”

Bruce Stang

Prairie Thunder Resources

Make better decisions on chemical use by eliminating or substituting hazardous products.

Achieve cost savings for the use, storage, waste management, and transport of the product.
Protect worker health and liability.
Reduce your chemical footprint.
Manage long-term risk and support sustainability.
Establish rules on restricting products

Establish rules on restricting products

Prevent hazardous product requests from the field that include ingredients of concern. Manage risk and support your policies for sustainability and health.