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Proactive Chemical Management with CHAMP

CHAMP elevates your SDS software into a comprehensive chemical management solution safeguarding your business from the costs of chemical accidents and illnesses, delays in chemical-related product shipments, maintenance, and plant turn arounds, and prevents regulatory penalties.

Proactive Chemical Management with CHAMP

Our Clients Describe the Chemscape Experience

“CHAMP offers CNRL a defensible position for decisions on chemicals. Highly customizable to our processes. Incredible customer service and responsiveness. I have 2 or 3 contacts, personalized, meet every 2-3 weeks. Reduced our administrative burden. Provides chemical standards for hazard assessments.”

Brent Chopping

Sr. Industrial Hygienist, CNRL, a leading Canadian natural gas company

CHAMP includes all the functionality of sdsBinders SDS Management and offers:

Centralize Chemical Approvals

Every SDS request initiates a consistent and objective chemical approval. CHAMP considers the product usage for the task, like an Industrial Hygienist would. Set-up multiple approver groups to involve health, safety, and the environment.

Control Recommendations for Chemical Use

Chemical approvals are saved and can be reviewed with any SDS search. Receive recommendations on control measures, including engineering controls, PPE, and substitution options for less hazardous alternatives.

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