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Manufacturing and Chemical Management

Compliance Software for Manufacturing

Proper chemical management ensures that hazardous substances are safely handled, stored, and disposed of, preventing accidents and environmental contamination. With Chemscape, you can effectively manage your chemicals, enhance sustainability and reduce risks associated with chemical use.

Why Responsible Chemical
Management is Important for Manufacturing Businesses

Manufacturing businesses have a diverse workforce with varied skills, trades, experience and even languages.

Strong chemical management delivers business results including:

Lower insurance premiums

Lowered injury rates

Increased productivity

Increased profitability

Chemscape Safety Technologies provides easy to access, compliant chemical management solutions for manufacturing and production businesses, including:

Digital SDS Management
for Manufacturers

If you are still updating your own product SDS sheets or keeping them in a paper binder maybe it’s time to look at Chemscape's SDS management software. If this is the first time you have ever worked with an electronic SDS Management system we will walk you through implementation. Our SDS management solution, takes the stress away for compliance and auditing to give you a level of confidence in your chemical management you never had before.

With sdsBinders you can:

Use Single Sign On for easy access.
Receive email notifications on product updates and recalls.
Promote training with our video library that contains  5-min videos on over 60 health and safety topics.
Enjoy the support of a personal Account Manager to ensure your manufacturing locations are trained and onboarded successfully.
Create and print GHS compliant workplace labels.
Keep SDSs in your pocket with the mobile app and have access to critical safety information.

Manage Chemical Risk using CHAMP

Chemscape's CHAMP is a comprehensive chemical hazard assessment management program. It uses information from Safety Data Sheets to evaluate the risks associated with chemicals in your workplace. By categorizing chemicals into hazard bands and providing recommendations for effective controls, CHAMP helps organizations improve worker safety, reduce exposure to hazardous substances, and streamline chemical approvals. CHAMP offers a valuable tool for managing chemical hazards and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

SDS Authoring Software Services

Chemscape authoring service powered by Quantum SDS; offers a software platform that can easily and quickly author affordable SDSs for your products in 39 languages. Services from OHS professionals are available if you need guidance on your SDS authoring needs. Get your products moving fast with Quantum SDS.

Manage Chemical Risk using CHAMP

Responsible Chemical Management Solutions for the Manufacturing Sector

Stop the continual battle of organizing and updating SDSs and leave the work to Chemscape. Contact us to see how we can become an integral part of your health and safety program for your manufacturing business so you can:

Be proactive in your health and safety management.
Educate and train staff on chemical hazards.
Adhere to government regulations.
Minimize risk through awareness and emergency preparedness.