CANUTEC stands for the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre. CANUTEC assists emergency response personnel in handling dangerous goods emergencies on a 24/7 basis.
It provides support for incidents involving dangerous goods in English and French. CANUTEC is operated by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Directorate of Transport Canada. Their mandate is to promote public safety in the transportation of dangerous goods by all modes of transport: road, rail, and marine.
The emergency centre is staffed by bilingual scientists specializing in chemistry or a related field and trained in emergency response. CANUTEC is part of Transport Canada, it's a free service for Canadian companies.
Any Canadian consignor (a person who ships or imports dangerous goods) can register with CANUTEC and place a 24-hour emergency telephone number on their shipping documents for dangerous goods. Manufacturers may also register with CANUTEC as a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Provider.
Registration with CANUTEC gives you the right to use their free, 24-hour emergency telephone number on your dangerous goods shipping documents. CANUTEC services are free of charge to Canadian companies. Maintaining a registration requires an annual account review and update.
CANUTEC advisors can provide immediate advice over the phone and recommend actions to be taken, and those to avoid, in dangerous goods emergencies. CANUTEC offers emergency response services including:
CANUTEC is also involved in the production of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), which is the result of an international collaborative effort between Canada, the United States, Mexico and Argentina.
Initiated under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), this project improves communication during hazardous incidents between the four countries by harmonizing emergency response recommendations for transportation incidents. A new guidebook is published every 4 years to reflect any changes in emergency response procedures and to update material names and ID Numbers (UN numbers). Latest edition of the ERG is 2020 and can be found online.
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