Asbestos Exposure Control Plan

Chemscape Safety Technologies provides industry-leading asbestos exposure control plans (ECP) based on our CHAMP software tool and industrial hygiene services.

Asbestos Is a group of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals composed of thin, needle-like fibres. Exposure to asbestos causes several cancers and lung diseases. Asbestos was originally mined and used to strengthen and fireproof materials, it has been banned in many countries due to its extreme health hazards.

Health Hazards of Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos fibres are extremely small which allows them to be inhaled deeply into the lungs, causing various respiratory conditions. The short-term effects of asbestos exposure include fibrotic lung disease and damage to the lining of the chest cavity, both of which reduce respiratory function. The long-term effects include an increase in the risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma. Enlargement of the heart is an indirect effect of asbestos exposure that can occur when fibres increase the resistance of blood as it flows through the lungs.

Where Is Asbestos Found?

Asbestos has two properties that make it useful in many products, despite its known health risks. It’s highly insulative, which is beneficial for building insulation, cement, plaster and tiles. Asbestos is also extremely resistant to heat, making it useful for brake pads and other materials that are routinely subjected to very high heat. Asbestos can still be found in older buildings, facilities and products. Some imported products like brake pads may contain asbestos.

Asbestos is commonly found in the following products:

  • Plaster and cement
  • Home and building insulation
  • Siding for homes and buildings
  • Vehicle brake pads
  • Ceiling and flooring tiles
  • Insulation material for industrial furnace systems

How Are Workers Exposed to Asbestos In the Workplace?

The greatest risk of exposure to asbestos in the workplace occurs when materials containing asbestos are damaged, especially if the fibres become airborne. Here are three common scenarios that cause asbestos to become airborne:

  • Demolition activities can cause materials with asbestos fibres to become airborne.
  • Breakdown of asbestos-containing materials over time
  • Water damage of materials that contain asbestos

What are the Worker's Responsibilities for Limiting Exposure to Asbestos?

Workers need to follow strict protocols and safety procedures from their employers to contain all activities that may cause a release of asbestos. Engineering controls and decontamination procedures are very important in any asbestos-related activities.

What are the Employer's Responsibilities for Limiting Exposure to Asbestos?

Asbestos is identified as a substance of concern in many jurisdictions. Employers are legislated to follow strict protocols if asbestos is present in any workplace activities. Exposure control plans are required in some jurisdictions that identify the employer's plan to control asbestos exposure.

Industry-Leading Asbestos Exposure Control Plans

If you have a requirement to develop a chemical management program and exposure control plan for your business the team of health and safety professionals at Chemscape can help you develop asbestoses exposure control plans that follow current regulations and guidelines while working in conjunction with business operations. Contact us today to learn more about our chemical management software.