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Industrial Hygiene Support for CHAMP

Chemscape will help clients leverage the features and capabilities of CHAMP. Implementation of the CHAMP software is supported with the guidance of an Industrial Hygienist. A structured rollout is designed with the client to achieve key milestones, including data migration, user training, and integration with existing systems, ensuring a smooth and successful launch.  

Industrial Hygiene Support for CHAMP
Industrial Hygiene Support for CHAMP clients

Industrial Hygiene
Support for CHAMP Clients

Chemscape has developed the CHAMP software to ask the questions an Industrial Hygienist would when working with chemical hazards. CHAMP clients enjoy the mentoring services and support provided by our Industrial Hygienist to help them interpret regulations, make decisions, and develop a chemical handling program using CHAMP. Additional consulting services are available for projects outside our typical service.

How CHAMP helps with  
chemical management

Prioritize chemicals: CHAMP ranks chemicals by hazard level so that high-risk chemicals can be addressed first. 

Create standards and improve decision making with a 3rd party defensible tool.  

Develop control recommendations: CHAMP provides recommendations for safe storage, handling, and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Identify hazardous chemicals: CHAMP helps identify substances in the workplace, such as diesel exhaust, silica, and benzene.

Search for safer substitutes: CHAMP helps find safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals. 

Create exposure control plans: CHAMP helps develop plans to reduce exposure to hazardous chemicals.